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Leonardo da Vinci in 30 Seconds (Kids 30 Second)

Leonardo da Vinci in 30 Seconds (Kids 30 Second)

Current price: $9.99
Publication Date: September 14th, 2017
Ivy Kids


Children will learn about the life of the original Renaissance man, and will discover how da Vincis influence, from his masterpiece paintings to his innovative inventions, has shaped art and culture in the modern world.

Each spread in Leonardo da Vinci in 30 Second presented in a neat, 30-second soundbite, supported by a 3-second flash summary and full-page, colorful illustration. Active missions support the topics and encourage kids to find out more.

With stunning artwork, the attention-grabbing format is engaging and immediate, introducing readers aged from 8 up to the legacy of a genius.

About the Author

Paul Harrison has authored over 80 books for children and has been writing professionally for over a decade. Prior to this, he was an award-winning editor. Hailing from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Paul lives in West Sussex with his family.