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Gift Card

Gift cards are redeemable for books, merchandise, and cafe items and never expire. To purchase a physical gift card, enter the amount you'd like on the card and add it to your cart. Gift cards may be mailed to the purchaser or the recipient or picked up at the store. For in-store pickup, the gift card will be filed at the book desk under the recipient's name.

Gift cards may be redeemed in store or online. To redeem a gift card online, please enter the gift card number (found beneath the barcode on the back of the card) in the Order Comments field on the checkout page.

If instead of a physical gift card you'd like us to send an electronic version of directly to your recipient, please write a note including the recipient's email address in the Order Comments field on the checkout page.

For bulk gift card orders, please email Please note we are unable to replace lost or stolen gift cards.

Format: $9.99. Minimum allowed value is $5.00.